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Join Parents with Lucrative NEW Stay-at-Home Careers as Writers Today
Dear Reader,
Why parents are creating wildly successful new careers as writers at home…
Whether they thought they could make money writing, or not!
Sherri joked, “I’m a non-profit writer … as in writing for no profit!”
A stay-at-home mom of three, Sherri loved to write.
But she had no clue how to make a living out of it.
One day in October 2015, Sherri stumbled upon a video featuring yours truly.
I invited Sherri to join a private club of writers…
Many of them parents … well-paid writers … working at home.
ALL of them knew some simple, yet little-known writing skills.
Skills I’ll share with you in a moment…
Hi, my name is Mindy McHorse,
‘Secret’ writing skills took me from zero to $114,000 annual income in 3 years.
The same ‘secret skills’ took Sherri to a guaranteed monthly writing income of $XXXX in just 18 months.
Sherri will tell you a little about her “Cinderella Story” in just a moment.
But first,
What are These Secret Writing Skills?
The real name for these skills is Direct Response Copywriting. A special name given to the many, many, many kinds of advertising you have at your fingertips nowadays…
“Direct Response” simply means – writing to get an immediate response…
Like Sherri, who writes informative articles for a women’s health newsletter. She wants her readers to ‘respond’ in a positive way… Maybe sign up to an email list, or buy a product.
“Copywriting” means writing that’s intended to sell a product or service. (It has nothing to do with the legal term so forget about that.)
Barefoot Writers call our secret copywriting skill, persuasive writing.
Why Copywriters are in High-Demand
Ever go ‘Googling’ and can’t quite find what you’re looking for? And if you do, you’re not sure you trust the site?
Me too!
That’s why smart product owners know that hiring the most persuasive writers is a smart business decision. They make more money if a writer is presenting well written, ACCURATE and easy to understand information.
So, copywriters write intelligent, creative “copy” about any product under the sun.
There are always product owners looking to be at the top of their market.
They’re looking for writers who understand that.
Better Investment than Grad. School!
When Sherri joined The Barefoot Writer Club, she took to studying our persuasive writing skills like a duck to water.
Eighteen months later Sherri landed her sweet retainer writing newsletter articles for the women’s health company I mentioned… on a guaranteed monthly income.
Sherri explains
The first month’s check I received was more than I made the entire year before. It’s like a Cinderella story. I’m now making a full-time income years sooner than I would if I had gone back to grad. school as planned. It’s pretty miraculous.
Last month Khloe Kardashian mentioned our product on her blog, and boom. I made an extra $300 to write the marketing blog response/news item for the company’s website.
My story resonated big-time with Sherri. I’m a mom of four gorgeous, energetic kids. And I too LOVED to write but I didn’t think there was money in it for the ‘not famous’ authors either!
Now Sean, who you’ll hear from shortly, failed high school English. But some of our other members’ stories resonated with him. So, he still joined our Club!
And boy, these days Sean’s even got the freedom writing at home to help home-school his daughter.
So, today I’m inviting you to join me at The Barefoot Writer Club. (Although membership doesn’t cost very much, I’ve still included a 365 day money-back guarantee. In case you decide this isn’t for you.)
Here’s a Quick Rundown of What You Get
- “The Smart Start Copywriting Program” ($79 value, yours free)
- “The $500 email secret!” ($39 value, yours free)
- “The Secret of the 1 Hour Work Week.” ($39 value, yours free)
- “Get Paid to Surf the Web!” Not ready to start writing? ($39 value, yours free)
- “The Lazy Writer’s Path to a Six-Figure Income!” ($39 value, yours free)
- “Get Paid to Take Your Next Vacation” ($39 value, yours free)
- “122 Amazing Perks and Freebies for Barefoot Writers!” ($39 value, yours free)
That’s $313 value!
For tips, tricks, motivation and inspiration from new and veteran writers
And unlimited private access to…
- 12 new issues of Barefoot Writer Magazine
- Over 5 years of back issues
- 3 opportunities monthly to win $100
- Countless instructional videos and lectures
- Loads of member discounts to specialty programs
Rebecca sends you our daily issue of The Writer’s Life. She’s known around here as being your biggest cheerleader. As a teacher of copywriting for over 13 years, she LOVES sending the latest writers’ scoop.
Here’s what Joshua Boswell, father of 11 says about his first year as a Barefoot Writer & stay-at-home Dad:
“I deposited $103,783 in the bank working from home as a copywriter. Thank you for totally changing life for me and my family!”
And Sean McCool explains
“A huge a-ha moment was when we realized we’d left a $2500 royalty check on the kitchen counter for two weeks before we got around to taking it to the bank. And, the bank’s right around the corner. It used to be, ‘we have to take a $50 check to the bank, now!’”
How Much Does Membership Cost?
With our freebies the membership is a $462 value …
Your annual Barefoot Writer Club membership is $149.
But, for a limited time, all you’ll pay to join The Barefoot Writer Club is $108. (Even lock in the price forever.)
That’s right! That’s more than 70% off your membership package right now.
Tons of Writing Opportunities
- articles
- Blogs
- information books or booklets
- emails,
- website pages,
- case studies,
- white papers
- video scripts
- online ads
- and much more.
- writing on any subject under the sun
We’ll help you choose!
100% Risk-Free Guarantee
You’ve got nothing to lose. If for any reason, or no reason at all you decide this isn’t for you, there’s a full 365 days to get every penny refunded. Just call or email us, and we’ll refund you right away.
Pinch me – I joined the ‘Club’ as a brand new writer in 2007. Today, I’m the Executive Editor of The Barefoot Writer Magazine!
Join me to start enjoying the best two ‘jobs’ in the world … the parent with loads of time for their kids … and the well-paid writer.
I’ll send you an email that explains how to access all the goodies you’ll soon have at your fingertips…
See you in a moment!
Mindy McHorse – Executive Editor – The Barefoot Writer Magazine
P.S. So much to tell you, I almost forgot about my favorite perk – Our Private Member’s Forum. It’s where we all “hang out.” We’re there answering questions and helping each other out all day long. Join me today. You don’t have to do this alone!
Prep for sale
3.2 BILLION Reasons NEW Writers are Needed Today
Dear First Name,
Have you ever thought about how many Internet readers there are? And who writes what you’re reading?
When you know, you’ll see why you’ve got tons of opportunities to become an online writer today…
Let me explain,
Say you hop online to make a quick purchase.
While you’re there, you do a little website jumping.
Mm bliss … an article, daydreaming about your vacation hut over the azure-blue lagoon in Bora Bora.
Or, maybe you’ve got a nagging problem. You want to get relief for that sniffle you can’t seem to shake. Possibly, you’re just enjoying a casual browse, without the ‘help’ of the desperate sales person lurking. (Can’t stand pushy sales people.)
So, lots of browsing, searching – AKA – reading on the Internet. (If you’re disciplined enough to hop on, do your banking and hop straight off, I’m impressed.)
See where this is going? You got it, online readers need writers!
Why New Writers Find a Profitable Home Online Today…
Now, here’s a staggering fact. You’re just one of over 3.2 BILLION Internet users and the number’s growing rapidly. (According to the United Nations Agency overseeing international communications.)
Plus, almost every savvy website owner is paying a writer to keep themselves relevant.
Think about how often you bounce off a site if the info doesn’t look up-to-date, interesting or appealing.
As a writer, it’s like a help wanted sign in the digital window today…
More Online Writers Needed … No Experience Necessary.
But, I’m sure you’ve still got questions. That’s natural.
Like, can you…
- Avoid being that struggling low-paid writer you hear about?
- Become profitable writing online quickly?
- Write online for a well-paid, long-term career?
The answers are yes, yes and yes!
Because, other writers who started with no experience have already done it,
Like this Mom Mindy. She LOVES sharing the story about how she found her new writer’s life. Check it out here.
Oh, also, she answers plenty of important questions that might pop into your head.
To your success…
Lyn Marler
P.S. I didn’t count, but there are at least a dozen stories about members who found freedom through writing. Mindy shares them with you here!
Welcome! Check out one of your club goodies today
Hi First Name,
It’s Mindy again. We’re thrilled you’ve joined us at the Barefoot Writer Club!
Over the next few days, I’ll check in with you to make sure you can quickly and easily find all the goodies our club offers.
Like access to …
- our exclusive monthly online magazine
- 1,000s of archived articles on best writing practices
- questions and support in our PRIVATE member forum
- our daily e-zine … The Writer’s Life
- much more
I know you’re anxious to get started.
So, I suggest you click on…
Our quick start guide right here.
Really, it’s not your typical guide. It’s much more useful than that. In the first few pages, you’ll understand some of the most valuable skills our barefoot writers use… Also, it’s packed with member’s success stories. So you can get to know some of your new Barefoot Writer gang.
Remember, keep an eye on your inbox. I’ll be in touch again in a couple of days…
Happy writing!
Mindy McHorse and the Barefoot Writer team
P.S. When you read our guide, check out the wacky photo of our six-figure copywriter, Carline.
Carline says “I write in bare feet because, sometimes, my toes tingle with excitement when I come up with a fresh idea.” Yep, we LOVE what we do … and we LOVE hearing from our writers 🙂
Score a goal … access your club portal right away
Hi there, it’s Mindy again,
I hope you don’t mind, I set a quick but super important Barefoot Writer goal for you today…
Access your Barefoot Writer portal and see all the goodies you’ve got at your fingertips.
You know, I started with no experience. Setting goals helped me to reach a six-figure income writing from home in my first 3 years.
That’s why, just for today, I’m cheating a little, calling this a “goal” instead of “dive in and have fun exploring!”
So, click the link below to enter your Barefoot Writer Club portal. There’s a short video overview of the site waiting for you.
It’s like “open sesame” to all the tools you need to reach your goal of making a great living as a writer. You’ll see our member service contact information. If you have a question or want to share your goals with them, they’re ready to help or listen. And you can even start chatting with other writers if you want!
Click here to open sesame.
Told you I’d stay in touch to make sure you’re finding your way around our club easily. (Hey, I love helping our new members get a powerful start!)
I’ll check on you again in a couple of days.
Happy writing…
Mindy McHorse and the Barefoot Writer team
P.S. Check out this personal (easy) blueprint on goal setting. There’s even a bonus … two actions towards your writer’s life that can be done at the same time. Now that’s efficiency!
And, you know, it’s just one of thousands of useful articles written by veteran writers you can now access 🙂
If you’d like to see more samples:
You’ll find them all on one page here
Click on the individual links below:
♦Lead Generation ♦Funnels ♦VSL Script ♦SEO Content ♦Social Media ♦Online Ads ♦Editorial
Go here to contact me for copywriting services today. Let me be your one-stop-shop AND give you a game-plan if you don’t have one.
Bye for now…